Investment Brokerage
“Brokerage according to client requests”
As a financial services provider, we are also licensed to offer investment brokerage. While investment advisory generally only consists of recommendations, our function as investment brokers involves the purchase or sale of investments, which are selected by the client, with or without our consultation. This is distinct from the acquisition brokerage
Objects of brokerage can be various kinds of financial instruments and products. This includes money market instruments, foreign exchange and derivatives (in accordance with section 2 (2) Nr. 3 of the “Investment Firm Act” (WpIG)), as well as investments in accordance with section 1 (2) “Prospectus Regulation Act” (VermAnlG) such as shares, loans, or bonds, or shares in investment funds as per section 1 (1) “German Investment Code” (KAGB).
The services rendered for our clients consist of the brokerage or verification of transactions – we mediate the contracting parties.