Portfolio Management
“More than just portraying a benchmark”
We offer individualized asset management services for all clients who wish to have their wealth or parts thereof discretionarily administrated by our company. In the same manner as in the investment advisory, the focus here lies on how to allocate assets adequately.
We understand our portfolio management as a holistic approach. Within the boundaries of your mandate and our permission we are capable to re-allocate all or parts of your wealth or exchange asset managers. On an ongoing basis we report the overall performance figures to you and may recommend, depending on our perception of the financial markets, changes within your asset allocation.
If clients wish to only represent a benchmark in specific asset segments, it is advisable to issue passive mandates to specialised funds or managers. We will gladly assist our clients in finding a suitable match within the overall asset allocation.
Numerous studies have shown that in more than 80% of cases active portfolio managers are unable to beat the benchmark of investments they consider “right” in an asset class. We encounter this by deliberately imposing an allocation range with most of our active asset managers. This is the only way to successfully beat a chosen benchmark.